Thousands trust us to protect their trademarks every year.


Get your trademark registered in a few simple steps

Sign Up

Fill in a simple sign-up form, provide your information and sit back.



We plan, research, and organize the data based on your provided information



We coordinate and get the application reviewed by you.



We finalize and apply your trademark/copyrights.


We Are Here For You 24/7

We drive the mission to provide start-up businessmen and entrepreneurs, quick, and cost-effective way to safeguard their brand. Our team understands that running and maintaining a successful business is a crucial duty. You don’t need to worry about these hardships while taking our services, because we keep struggling in protecting and securing your name and make the process as dynamic, productive, and reasonable as possible. To ease the process of achieving a trademark for your business, we have a pack of every essential thing you require for protecting your name, brand slogan, or logo.
Start my trademark registration


Trademark Services

Trade Statement of Use

A Trademark Statement of Use is obligatory for any trademark registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We present an easy and efficient way of having our SOU approved.

File Statement of Use Extension

A Trademark Statement of Use Extension can accommodate you the moment you require to cover all necessities. You can record for various Statement of Use extensions; you will get the process by us.

Trademark Renewal

Has your trademark gone out of date or is about to? Validation of a registered trademark is for 10 years. To extend the time- period, it is required to file a trademark recommencement application. We are right here to take care of this process.

Office Action Response

USPTO Examiners send Office Actions by email or mail. The letter will tell you whether the USPTO Trademark Register revealed any competing trademarks, if substantive grounds may hinder your registration, or if there are any procedural requirements. We will thoroughly address the Examiner's concerns in your response.

$49 Rush Priority Processing

(Next business day)

*We will start the process immediately and send it to you for review and approval by the next business day. This service is suitable for those who need their trademark filing a bit faster than usual. We will list your filing on priority but that does not ensure that the U.S Copyright Office will take any action or respond to your filing quickly.


Our Service Packages


$ 49+ USPTO filing fee

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Get Started


$199+ USPTO filing fee

  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
Get Started


$349+ USPTO filing fee

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (Federal & State)
  • 24 Hrs. Expedited Service
Get Started


$ 99+ Federal filing fees

  • Professional Preparation

    of your federal copyright application including a review by the copyright team for accuracy, completeness and common

  • Federal E-Filing

    Electronic filing of your application with the U.S Copyright Office with no need to wait for mail or dealing with paper fileso

  • Certificate of Registration

    that will be mailed to you directly from the U.S. Copyright Office.

Get Started


  • Make sure you're not liable for any business debts. Ensure you're not on the hook for business liabilities
  • Company Formation through a Simple Process: Our 3 step process discards with entering your details, Then selecting a service and lastly payment.
  • Save Money on Taxes: For potential savings you get to decide whether you’re are taxed as a LLC or a Corporation
Get Started


Starting at$ 99

  • Amazon Brand Case Review
  • Amazon Brand Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Get Started


Starting at$199

  • Amazon Brand Case Review
  • Amazon Brand Case Preparation
  • Amazon Brand Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Amazon Brand Case Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
Get Started


$ 99
  • 2 Pages
  • Content Management System
  • W3C Certified HTML

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 15 Days

Best Seller


$ 399
All Features


  • 3 Pages Extra
  • Google Page Speed Optimized & Tested


  • 1 Logo Design
    Actual worth
  • 1 Set of Stationery
    • Letterhead
      View Sample
    • Business Card
      View Sample
    • Envelope
      View Sample
    • Folder
      View Sample
    • Brand Seal
      View Sample
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 10 Days

Highly Recommended


$ 699
All Features

Basic & Pro

  • 5 Pages Extra
  • Responsive - Mobile & Other Devices
  • SEO Optimized

Social Media Features:

  • Social Media Profiles on 5 Platforms
    • Facebook
      View Sample
    • Linkedin
      View Sample
    • Twitter
      View Sample
    • Instagram
      View Sample
    • Youtube
      View Sample
  • Profile Picture & Cover Picture Design
  • Numerous Plugins & Extensions
    • Yoast SEO
    • Google Page Speed Test
    • Optimus
    • Smush
    • JetPack
    • WP Super Cache
    • Google XML Sitemaps
    • Elementor Page Buiilder
  • Dedicated Account Manager

    As soon as your order placed. your dedicated account manager will get in touch with you to discuss the project further.


  • All Freebies
    From Pro Package

  • 1 Social Media Post Template
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 3 Days


$ 799
  • 5 Pages
  • Content Management System
  • W3C Certified HTML
  • Contact Form
  • Google Page Speed Optimized & Tested
  • SEO Optimized
  • Social Media Integration
  • Search Engine Submission
  • 1 Professional Email ID

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 10 Days

Best Seller


$ 1,099
All Features


  • 10 Pages
  • Up to 2 Lead Capturing Forms
  • Newsletter Subscription CTA (Optional)
  • Striking Hover Effects
  • Search Bar
  • Online Payment Gateway Integration (Optional)
  • Responsive - Mobile & Other Devices
  • Up to 3 Professional Email IDs


  • 1 Logo Design
    Actual worth
  • 1 Set of Stationery
    • Letterhead
      View Sample
    • Business Card
      View Sample
    • Envelope
      View Sample
    • Folder
      View Sample
    • Brand Seal
      View Sample
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 10 Days

Highly Recommended


$ 1,599
All Features

Basic & Pro

  • 12 Unique Pages + As Many as per Requirement
  • Up to 2 Lead Capturing Forms
  • Book A Call CTA Form
  • Online Appointment Scheduling CTA Form
  • Newsfeed Integration
  • Online Payment Gateway Integration (Optional)
  • 15 Seconds 2D Explainer Video
  • Up to 5 Professional Email IDs

Social Media Features:

  • Social Media Profiles on 5 Platforms
    • Facebook
      View Sample
    • Linkedin
      View Sample
    • Twitter
      View Sample
    • Instagram
      View Sample
    • Youtube
      View Sample
  • Profile Picture & Cover Picture Design
  • Numerous Plugins & Extensions
    • Yoast SEO
    • Google Page Speed Test
    • Optimus
    • Smush
    • JetPack
    • WP Super Cache
    • Google XML Sitemaps
    • Elementor Page Buiilder
  • Dedicated Account Manager

    As soon as your order placed. your dedicated account manager will get in touch with you to discuss the project further.


  • All Freebies
    From Pro Package

  • 1 Social Media Post Template
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 3 Days


$ 1,999
  • 5 Unique Pages + As Many Theme Based Pages
  • Content Management System
  • W3C Certified HTML
  • Contact Form
  • Up to 2 Lead Capturing Forms
  • Book A Call CTA Form
  • Online Appointment Scheduling CTA Form
  • Newsletter Subscription CTA (Optional)
  • Search Bar
  • Newsfeed Integration
  • Online Payment Gateway Integration (Optional)
  • Google Page Speed Optimized & Tested
  • Responsive - Mobile & Other Devices
  • SEO Optimized
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Up to 10 Professional Email IDs (Optional)

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 10 Days

Best Seller


$ 3,499
All Features


  • 5 Extra Unique Pages
  • Social Media Integration
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Online Reservation/Appointment Tool (Optional)
  • Up to 5 Custom Dynamic Forms
  • eCommerce Shopping Cart Integration
  • Up to 20 Professional Email IDs (Optional)


  • 1 Logo Design
    Actual worth
  • 1 Set of Stationery
    • Letterhead
      View Sample
    • Business Card
      View Sample
    • Envelope
      View Sample
    • Folder
      View Sample
    • Brand Seal
      View Sample
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 10 Days

Highly Recommended


$ 4,999
All Features

Basic & Pro

  • 8 Extra Unique Pages
  • Invoicing Integration
  • Inventory Management
  • Multi Lingual (Optional)
  • 15 Seconds 2D Explainer Video
  • Up to 25 Professional Email IDs (Optional)
  • Free Domain Name - 1 Year
  • Free Hosting - 1 Year

Social Media Features:

  • Social Media Profiles on 5 Platforms
    • Facebook
      View Sample
    • Linkedin
      View Sample
    • Twitter
      View Sample
    • Instagram
      View Sample
    • Youtube
      View Sample
  • Profile Picture & Cover Picture Design
  • Numerous Plugins & Extensions
    • Yoast SEO
    • Google Page Speed Test
    • Optimus
    • Smush
    • JetPack
    • WP Super Cache
    • Google XML Sitemaps
    • Elementor Page Buiilder
  • Dedicated Account Manager

    As soon as your order placed. your dedicated account manager will get in touch with you to discuss the project further.


  • All Freebies
    From Pro Package

  • 1 Social Media Post Template
    Actual worth

Any Designer Availibility
Get Website in 3 Days



Jennifer Kelly

I hired GCC Design Aency multiple times for trademark registration of my brands. I must say, the service quality and communication deserve appreciation. Always quick to respond and take care of the complete process from start till the end at an amazing price.


Get your brand protected by registering for copyright and trademark from us NOW!

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